My Work: Civil Engineer specialising in water and sewage
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Latest Question:wheres the favorite place you have been with your job
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My Work: My main role is supporting academics in the development of their teaching ( distance learning and on-campus), especially in the area using more...
Latest Question:Do you have a pet? What’s his/her name?
Latest Comment:What is your opinion on cheese puffs? (1 comments)
My Work: I build wind farms in Africa
Latest Question:How long does it take to make a hole field of wind mills
My Work: I build rocket engines for a living - I get to blow up the parts to test if they're strong enough.
Latest Question:hi how can you make such big things with 3d printers?
Latest Comment:Have you heard about the moon project that uses fusing technology to build bases from the lunar dust? (1 comments)
My Work: I’m a Railway Engineer for Siemens in the UK, I work in Systems Engineering which is about making sure that we build the correct thing.
Latest Question:what would you do if you won
Latest Comment:what results did u get in gcse and a level? (1 comments)
My Work: I research on morphing wings for aircraft
Latest Question:What is your biggest achievements in your job and why?