• Question: If a genie granted you one wish what would it be?

    Asked by singer329 to Ronnie, Rich, Krishma, Daryl, Anya on 10 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Richard Symonds

      Richard Symonds answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      this is a tough one – there are obvious things like world peace, trump to have lost the elections, unlimited money (very tempting). Id probably wish for a rewind button so i could go back and reassess situations when things go wrong, make use of hindsight, as it is a wonderful thing.

    • Photo: Anya Grainger

      Anya Grainger answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      I probably wish for three more wishes…. but i doubt that would work. So I’d wish for a cure to all cancers to be developed. It would help save so many lives.

    • Photo: Krishma Kapoor

      Krishma Kapoor answered on 11 Nov 2016:

      I would wish that I was the winner of this competition lol 😉
