Interesting question… I guess only the pressure I put on myself. I’m quite competitive and I really want the money to help the children’s book go national! (See my profile for more info) Please #VoteLizzie!
It would be nice, but if you mean from my employers or anyone else, no, not really. The online resources are something that I would like to develop, as opposed to anything that anyone is making me do. I think the best engineers recognise the importance of explaining things to a wide audience to push themselves more than anyone else pushes them.
Scarlett commented on :
I think that your idea for what you would do with the prize money is really inspiring 🙂
Lizzie commented on :
thanks Scarlett 🙂 what would you do with the prize money?
Ayesha commented on :
Lizzie I know you are going to win 🙂
#TeamLizzie if you win it would also be a great (early) birthday present for you