• Question: how much of your time do you dedicate to your job?

    Asked by WOODBURN.T.J to Andrew, Lizzie, Nick, Sonia on 16 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by mad.
    • Photo: Elizabeth Kapasa

      Elizabeth Kapasa answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      For me as a PhD student it’s like a normal job so 9-5pm. But my job is flexible so I might work 10-6pm or shorter or longer days if I need/want to.

    • Photo: Nicholas Hitchins

      Nicholas Hitchins answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Officially my normal working week is 38 hours, which is a fairly standard 9am-5:30pm day, we have flexible working hours so you can slightly adjust your working hours to suit each person (quite a lot of companies do this now), for example a lot of the people with children, adjust their working hours so they can leave at 3.30 to collect their children from school. Personally I like to be in the office at around 8am as I find I can get quite a lot of work done in the hour before other people turn up.

    • Photo: Andrew Phillips

      Andrew Phillips answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      As much as I think is needed. I can be very flexible in the hours that I work, but a big part of my job is making sure all the projects I’m involved in are on track. I often go in late (I’m not really a morning person) and will stay late as well. It’s really difficult to compare it to a normal 9-5 job.

    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      Many more hours than I would like. In the region of 40 to 45 due to the patient work load and much of the time it’s getting the patient reports written up and analysed. Surgeries do not go according to time so need to stay until it’s finished.So need to be flexible with time, for the ABI implants that run through to mid night I am in no state to work the next day
