• Question: What companies are the major competitors? and why would you say your company stands out

    Asked by 684artc52 to Andrew, Lizzie, Nick, Sonia on 21 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 21 Jun 2015:

      In the BUS there isn’t competition as such but the patients can choose which centre they go and have their implant with. But it is usually the nearest one to their home. There are 22 centre spread over the whole of the UK.

      There a 4 cochlear implant companies.
      Cochlear from Australia
      Medel from Austria
      Advanced Bionics from USA
      Oticon from France

    • Photo: Elizabeth Kapasa

      Elizabeth Kapasa answered on 22 Jun 2015:

      oo interesting question and an important question. It is something we have to think about. My technology is unique so there aren’t any direct competitors, but there are other people who make synthetic bone grafts like Smith & Nephew and DePuy Synthes.

    • Photo: Andrew Phillips

      Andrew Phillips answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      There isn’t anyone doing exactly what we’re doing, but we do constantly keep a look out to see what other people are up to. We try and release as much of our work as possible (including the computer models) because we want other researchers to benefit, as well as patients. We normally release it under what’s called non-commercial copyright, which means that companies shouldn’t develop it for profit without asking us first, while researchers who will keep it in the public domain are welcome to develop it further.

      I guess universities are in competition with each other, but hopefully that’s mainly the sports teams!
