Question: When did you become interested in engineering?
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Asked by 116artc28 to Andrew, Lizzie, Nick, Sonia on 14 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by WOODBURN.T.J, FAHADKHAN, mynameisnowhamza, frootshoot, 543artc27.Question: When did you become interested in engineering?
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Lizzie commented on :
I always wanted to find out what was beneath the surface of things that made them work. I love the challenge of solving problems and making things. But I also love people and I wanted to help people get better. So I decided to look through different courses and eventually came to bioengineering which is a mixture of engineering and medicine that I thought was perfect for me. I think you should always go with that you love doing.
Andrew commented on :
Great point. Do what interests you and what you love. Sometimes that will be challenging and hard work, but that’s part of what makes it interesting. If it was easy everyone would do it!