My Work: I help design and build control systems for particle accelerators. They are used to find out the structure of everything from ancient paintings to...
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Latest Question:What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
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My Work: I design gas pipelines for a laboratory. The laboratory looks for 'dangerous' elements in samples that need special environments to help detect the...
Latest Question:When you came out of uni did you find it easy to find a job or did you realise that chemical engineering is high in
My Work: I work at CERN as a cryogenics mechanical engineer. I work on many aspects related to liquid helium cooling systems, from design to build, to help...
Latest Question:Do you feel as if some girls hide their passion for science due to it being considered a male job?
My Work: I design cameras, and other scientific equipment, for use in space.
Latest Question:are you tall?
My Work: I use one of the world's largest particle detectors to look for new tiny building blocks of our universe
Latest Question:how long till the next detector?