
Rebecca Henderson
Curriculum Vitae
Albyn School, Aberdeen Strathclyde University – Chemical Engineering Masters
8 xStandard Grades, 6x Highers and 3x Advanced Highers – I focused on the sciences and maths, Masters in Engineering (MEng)
Work History:
While at school, during the holidays I worked at a dental practice as the receptionist. While at univeristy I worked in Debenhems for a summer and I did 2 internships. My first internship was at an oil and gas company where I got my first experience of ‘adult working’ and life as a chemical engineer. My second internship was at the beer company ABInBev, this was a commercial internship where I learnt about marketing and account management. The internships were very valuable as they allowed me to have an insight in what different jobs and companies are like. I could learn what I like doing and what I wasn’t as interested in.
Current Job:
Process Engineer – Projects
About Me
Hello, I am Rebecca, I currently work as a Process Engineer in the energy sector and I currently live in London. I grew up in Aberdeen and studies Chemical Engineering at Strathclyde University in Glasgow. I enjoy being active and in my spare time I love to play netball.
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I grew up in Aberdeen, Scotland and when I was at school I really didnt know what I wanted to be, there were too many options!
I chose to study Chemical Engineering at Strathclyde University and I thoroughly enjoyed my course as it was a challenge and I loved solving equations and problems. I also loved living in Glasgow and moving away from home. At school I had always played alot of sports and when I went to university I couldnt do it all as everything clashed so I chose netball. My closest friends from university I met at the netball.
My pronouns are
My Work
I am a Process Engineer at bp, currently working on new projects. My current job is looking at a new project in Azerbaijan that will help secure gas supply for Europe.
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My job includes lots of problem solving and teamwork with other types of engineers to come up with best, most efficient and safe solution.
My last role was working in Operations, and I worked offshore on a platform. This role involved troubleshooting the daily issues that would arise offshore so was a more reactive job than i do now.
At school I was very unsure what I wanted to study at university as it was daunting to make such a big decision on my future, so ask me any questions on how made my decision!
My Typical Day: I get up and get ready for work then jump on the train to Sunbury. My work provide free healthy breakfast so when I arrive I grab that first - either porridge or make your own granola pot! I usually touch base with my team members who are also in the office (we work flexibly between home and office) either to take about work or general chit chat. I am currently at the beginning of a project so we are refining our concept therefore my work is focussed on the strategy, how are we going to approach this design and what are the keys concerns we need to tackle most! I usually finish work about 4.30pm, after work I like to go to the gym, play netball or catch up with some friends!
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Energetic, nosey engineer!
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Helping secure energy supply for Europe
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My nosiness on how things worked!
What was your favourite subject at school?
Maths and Chemistry
What did you want to be after you left school?
Dentist or Engineer
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really... I used to get into trouble for chatting too much and distracting my friends!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
TV Presenter
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Taylor Swift!
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Bungee jumped in Victoria Waterfalls in Zambia
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. To have a successful career I enjoy 2. To be able to sing 3. To see the world