My creative side is quite small when I’m working on my own, but when I get together with other people to come up with ideas I find it much easier and more fun. It definitely helps to talk through problems with others, or even see how other people have done it and then use that as inspiration for how to do it better. Being able to come up with new ideas helps to develop new technologies and improve old ones, and research is all about discovering those things.
“Creative” as in constructive and ingenious — YES, but creative as in artistic I am a little short on. Different people are made differently with skills and abilities unique to them. This is why it is important to try to go for a job that suits what you are and what you enjoy doing. You do it for most of your life, and I am very happy I chose engineering.
I think I have a creative side as I enjoy many different arts. I grew up with a real love for cartoons and I used to doodle all the time.
I think creativity is essential for any engineer. As Robin said, it can come in two forms (perhaps more) where you generate loads of ideas or you make things attractive. To me, things have to work well but look good at the same time 🙂
It helps your work, because people are more likely to be drawn to whatever you produce if you present your work well and in a creative way, that promotes good human interactivity.