I would like to answer your question with my own example, if that’s OK? I’m sure you’ve heard of the “recession” and how the UK’s economy is in a bad state, right? Well, do you remember when it all started? The UK went into recession around December 2008. I graduated from University in summer 2009, so was one of the first graduates into a job market where a lot of people were losing jobs.
A degree in engineering gave me a really wide range of skills. I found that I could apply for jobs in banks, IT and science. I decided to stick with engineering, because it’s what I always wanted to do. I got more than one job offer, which I think was really lucky, considering the state of the job market at that time.
I work in the oil and gas industry in Aberdeen, here you wouldn’t even know of the financial struggles elsewhere in the country. The need for oil and gas will not go away until renewable energy technologies are more readily accessible. Meanwhile the oil and gas is getting harder to reach demanding more innovative technologies and more skilled engineers. Here there is a shortage of engineers coming into the industry at every level of experience. Every company I come into contaact with is struggling to find engineers to recruit.
I think an engineering degree provides you with LOTS of opportunities in life for a job and a career…. not only in the UK either, there are jobs all around the world that you can apply for with an engineering degree. The world is constantly developing and growing, the world will always need engineers until the end of time. Even if the world changed tomorrow and there was a war or some meteorite that hit earth, all the problems that we would face would need solving – solving by ENGINEERS!!
I totally, agree with Kelly. If you were in a plane and you crashed on an island yet to be discovered, who would be the people building your isolated society? Engineers. Alright, I might give doctors a little credit…. 🙂
Carrie commented on :
I work in the oil and gas industry in Aberdeen, here you wouldn’t even know of the financial struggles elsewhere in the country. The need for oil and gas will not go away until renewable energy technologies are more readily accessible. Meanwhile the oil and gas is getting harder to reach demanding more innovative technologies and more skilled engineers. Here there is a shortage of engineers coming into the industry at every level of experience. Every company I come into contaact with is struggling to find engineers to recruit.
Kelly commented on :
I think an engineering degree provides you with LOTS of opportunities in life for a job and a career…. not only in the UK either, there are jobs all around the world that you can apply for with an engineering degree. The world is constantly developing and growing, the world will always need engineers until the end of time. Even if the world changed tomorrow and there was a war or some meteorite that hit earth, all the problems that we would face would need solving – solving by ENGINEERS!!
Usaid commented on :
I totally, agree with Kelly. If you were in a plane and you crashed on an island yet to be discovered, who would be the people building your isolated society? Engineers. Alright, I might give doctors a little credit…. 🙂