• Question: have you ever considered working on the LHC

    Asked by JleonardN to Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie, Stephen on 10 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Jeni Spragg

      Jeni Spragg answered on 10 Jun 2016:

      Hi JleonardN 🙂

      Good question! I’ve never considered it, but only because it doesn’t really relate to the type of science and engineering that I do. However, it seems like a seriously exciting piece of kit, at the pinnacle of new technology, and I can imagine it’s a dream for some scientists!

      Would you like to work there?

    • Photo: Natalie Wride

      Natalie Wride answered on 10 Jun 2016:

      Hi JleonardN,

      Strangely I have! But not looking at the Physics part of it. The LHC is buried underground so as a Geotechnical Engineer I was interested on the ground it is buried in. It’s such a huge structure in the ground (and weighs a lot) which means over time it will move in the ground. It’s a bit like putting something heavy on playdough – over time the playdough squishes under the weight and the same thing will happen at the LHC. This might only be a teeny amount (in the millimetres) but it’s really important the ring stays level and doesn’t tilt to make sure their experiments are accurate.

      It looks like an amazing place to visit though, I’d love to go! How about you?

    • Photo: Mark Gowan

      Mark Gowan answered on 10 Jun 2016:

      I would have loved to build the tunnels and install the equipment into a small space.
      The science undertaken there is amazing and would be the pinnacle of any scientists career.

    • Photo: Stephen Richardson

      Stephen Richardson answered on 12 Jun 2016:

      No, I haven’t to be honest.
      I think it’s a great project and really important but I’ve always been more interested in things that have a really direct impact on our lives.
      So while there will be lots of mechanical engineering involved in the design of the LHC, it’s not something I would have considered working on.
      Is it something you’d like to work on?
