• Question: Is your work hard?

    Asked by 565envf35 to Stephen, Ashwanth, Jeni, Mark, Natalie on 10 Jun 2016. This question was also asked by Maryam123, Kane.
    • Photo: Stephen Richardson

      Stephen Richardson answered on 10 Jun 2016:

      Yes, but not all the time.
      There’s lots of different types of “hard” when it comes to work.
      Mine is hard because it’s complicated but not because I have to work long hours or not hard physically like some jobs

    • Photo: Natalie Wride

      Natalie Wride answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Hi 565envf35 and Maryam123

      Yes, but like Stephen said there are different types of hard. It can be quite daunting when you’re doing research because sometimes you don’t know what results you’re expecting! Also figuring out what’s gone wrong in your lab tests or why one result is different from the other can be really hard but it’s so rewarding when you think things through and have a solution! I also have other people I can talk through things with which really helps me not go insane when I can’t work something out!!

    • Photo: Mark Gowan

      Mark Gowan answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Work can be hard, when you don’t have the answers or the solution. It is just like at school when you don’t understand something it seems hard and impossible, but once you understand it, it seems easy. Work is just the same

    • Photo: Jeni Spragg

      Jeni Spragg answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Sometimes, yes!

      Like the others said, there are different ways in which it can be hard – sometimes it’s stressful because there is a big deadline coming up. That can be made easier by trying to be organised and not finishing it all a day before the end!

      It can also sometimes be hard because things are difficult to understand. But engineers like to make things as simple as possible! Often I find that complicated equations or ideas that I’ve learned at university has been simplified when engineers actually use it in industry – there’s usually a computer tool or a rule-of-thumb that someone’s made to make life easier.

      But it’s the hard bits that make it interesting, and you do feel very proud when you learn something new or find a solution.

      It’s also easier that other jobs in lots of ways. For example, the hours are flexible and they are not usually long. It is interesting and varied, so you don’t get bored and fed-up.
