Asked by estroher03 to Charlie, Danielle, Henry, Nicola, Zoe on 17 Jun 2014.
Zoe George answered on 17 Jun 2014:
Hi 🙂
Yes we do have quite a few work ethics in research ( actually quite a really big list)! I had do actually go through ethics training before starting. Don’t worry everything needs to be ethical before being carried out!
Danielle Epstein answered on 18 Jun 2014:
Excellent question- work ethics are really important. My ethics are all around working professionally and treating all my colleagues with respect. In my job, where I work with a lot of contractors (companies who might supply us with machines or engineering services) it is important to follow policies on how we work with them. We don’t accept gifts from them as this could be considered bribery to use the company over another. So I think this fits into ethics as well. Does this answer your question?
Henry Porter answered on 18 Jun 2014:
Ethics is a very important part of being a scientist, and played a role in my career choice. I felt that it was my responsibility to select a career that would allow me to help people in developing parts of the world have a better quality of life. In my view this is a part of the definition of what a scientist should be.
Ethical regulations restrict the research I am allowed to do as a biologist. I do not work with animals, like mice, but many of my colleagues do and they have to go on a training course to make sure the mice are happy while they live in the lab.
I work with lots of genetically modified organisms. Some of them are resistant to antibiotics and it would be dangerous of they got out into the environment. We have very strict cleaning and disposal procedures to protect against this risk in my lab.
Nicola Gale answered on 19 Jun 2014:
No matter what job I have done I have always followed a simple set of personal rules.
Study hard
Be enthusiastic
Always be willing to learn more
Don’t ever feel you know everything
Dress smart, think smartand: always wear a watch so you turn up to work on time!
Charlie Atwell answered on 23 Jun 2014:
Hi Estroher03,
Here is a link to our Heineken International work ethics that everybody has to follow – http://heineken.co.uk/pdf/HEINEKEN_Code_Of_Business_Conduct_2013.pdf
The key areas of this are Enjoyment, Respect and Passion.
The enjoyment is about being responsible to enjoy the products. Making alcohol, it is important to take this seriously. We want people to have fun and enjoy their beers in a way that doesn’t harm themselves or anybody else. This means not drinking too much or encouraging underage drinking too.
Respect is about treating our colleagues, customers, and the company with respect to make it an enjoyable place to work and not to damage the reputation of the company.
Passion is about being passionate with what we do and our brands. If we love what we do we will enjoy working hard to make it the best it can be.
There is lots more information in that document, but health and safety is always the number one priority for all of the employees and the customers, and that reflects in everything we do and the quality of our products.
I hope this answers your question.