I haven’t made any at home but I got to make a lipgloss with L’OREAL at the Big bang fair in Birmingham (which you should definitely come to next year if you haven’t been). It was made from beeswax, some almond oil with different colours and smells, it came our really great!
I want to start making some at home soon and there a loads of videos of youtube at the moment if you wanted to try making some but I will try some soon! Have you ever tried to make any makeup?
Hi estroher, I found out that they have been making lipsticks in our labs melting waxes and I will make some soon, apparently it’s quite easy! will show you a picture on here, so cool!
estroher03 commented on :
Thanks for the answer!
I didn’t but I read about it in a book and I think it would be a lot of fun and could possibly save money! 😉
Zoe commented on :
Hi estroher, I found out that they have been making lipsticks in our labs melting waxes and I will make some soon, apparently it’s quite easy! will show you a picture on here, so cool!