Question: hi I have just logged in and can I ask questions about chemicals and things like how to be a pharmacist
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Asked by ironman007 to Zoe, Henry on 15 Jun 2014.Question: hi I have just logged in and can I ask questions about chemicals and things like how to be a pharmacist
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ironman007 commented on :
Thank you for your advise
ironman007 commented on :
What subjects do I need to work on to be a pharmacist and make new drugs
ironman007 commented on :
I was thinking when it grow older I will apply for gsk
Will that be a good idea
Zoe commented on :
Hi! No problem 🙂 For A levels you would definitely need to take chemistry and maybe biology.
Yes that is a great idea! I worked with GSK for the olympic drug testing for the olympic athletes and they are a really good company. There are a lot of other pharmaceutical companies so if you would like to do it you can research which ones you would like to apply to, hope that helped!
ironman007 commented on :
Thanks,because I am In scondary school do I need to work mostly on maths and science
ironman007 commented on :
How do you apply for gsk