• Question: what do you do specifically?

    Asked by reecey1 to Zoe, Nicola, Henry, Danielle, Charlie on 17 Jun 2014.
    • Photo: Danielle Epstein

      Danielle Epstein answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hi reecey1,

      Good question- specifically I would say I design maintenance systems for our machines in the factory to keep them running in really good condition.

      Would you like to know anything more?

    • Photo: Zoe George

      Zoe George answered on 17 Jun 2014:

      Hi 🙂

      So specifically:

      1. I make emulsions (mixture of oil and water) for food to change the formula making it either taste better or healthier. These type of emulsions can also be used in other applications like cosmetics and drug delivery
      2. I have to find ways to manufacture this process so the food structure and taste is not damaged
      3. I have to give the food to a group of people (this is called a sensory panel) to see if they can taste the difference 🙂

      So that is a bit of a summary in what I specifically do!
