• Question: What do your family members/parents think of your job

    Asked by CLASHER2006 to Tom, Dean, Blanca, Abi Aspen on 4 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Blanca Mendizabal

      Blanca Mendizabal answered on 4 Mar 2016:

      My parents are so proud and my sister loves what I do. They see me happy and enjoying what I do and they are happy as well. 🙂

    • Photo: Tom Bullock

      Tom Bullock answered on 5 Mar 2016:

      My mum calls me biscuit boy and always asks for Bourbons (but I don’t work for that company any more) and my fiancée get annoyed when she eats snacks because I always try and examine them to work out how they are made!

    • Photo: Abi Aspen Glencross

      Abi Aspen Glencross answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      My folks and fam are super proud! Which is lovely, however I believe they would be proud whatever I do as they are just cool like that.

      The beautiful thing is through this project and what I am learning my fam (especially my parents) have become so much more caring about what that eat. They eat less meat and animal products. They always buy free range eggs, locally produced milk and buy their meat from our friend down the road.

      I’m so lucky to have them all!

    • Photo: Dean Miles

      Dean Miles answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      My family really like the fact that I always have new biscuits to share and get their views on. I’m always asked about what is happening in work and everyone is genuinely interested about my work and any new products
