• Question: Are you ready for I'm an Engineer?

    Asked by modemily to Chris, Paul, Priyanka, Ryan, Sarah on 4 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Sarah Hargreaves

      Sarah Hargreaves answered on 4 Mar 2016:

      I’m all set and ready to go! Looking forward to seeing all the different questions from the students and I have a spare keyboard on standby in case I wear mine out trying to answer them all : )

    • Photo: Priyanka Dhopade

      Priyanka Dhopade answered on 5 Mar 2016:

      I’m excited and really looking forward to chatting to all the students over the next couple of weeks! Bring on the questions!

    • Photo: Ryan Bakewell

      Ryan Bakewell answered on 6 Mar 2016:

      No 😉

      Edit: yes of course I am!

    • Photo: Christine Coonick

      Christine Coonick answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Is this a trick question?
