• Question: Do you do electrical things for the environment like water regulators that regulate how much water a house can use

    Asked by Skycycle123 to Paul on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Paul Duff

      Paul Duff answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Hi Skycycle123,

      Not specifically, as a site engineer I am involved in many projects and some of those do take into consideration environmental improvements and monitoring.
      One example is; on my site I have three Frame 6001B Gas Turbines (like plane engines but tied down) and a recent project of mine was to install a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) on the exhaust to the GT to monitor the Nitrous Oxides in ppm – parts per million) emitted to the environment. This was effectively installing a bunch of instrumentation at the base of a sample pipe to determine what levels of gasses were being exhausted. We can then operate our Gas Turbines to be within set limits.

      I have however seen a few mini-projects looking at installing micro electrical generators in mains water supplies. That looks interesting as there will be an almost constant flow to a large housing estate!!

