• Question: How many hours do you work a week and a day?

    Asked by evakeegan to Chris, Paul, Priyanka, Ryan, Sarah on 8 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by LukeMcF.
    • Photo: Sarah Hargreaves

      Sarah Hargreaves answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I work 37 hours a week, which is about 7.5 hours a day. The great thing about my company is that they allow something called flexi-time. This means that I am not tied to working 9 – 5, every day but can choose my working hours (I normally work 7.30 – 4.30). Plus if you work longer hours Monday – Thursday, it means you can finish at lunch time on a Friday!

    • Photo: Priyanka Dhopade

      Priyanka Dhopade answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      I normally work the same number of hours as Sarah – this is a pretty standard amount in engineering and most other fields. I also have flex time, which is great!

    • Photo: Paul Duff

      Paul Duff answered on 14 Mar 2016:

      Much the same as Sarah and Priyanka, I am contracted to 37.5 Hours a week.
      There are times when I need to work longer hours through the week and also weekends if there are problems that need solving.

      I do get to finish at 1 o’clock on a Friday which is a great way to start the weekend!

    • Photo: Christine Coonick

      Christine Coonick answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      Hi Eva!

      I too work 37.5 hours a week but put in extra when project timescales require it. I also do a bit of travelling around the UK for events, conferences, meeting clients and site surveys so I tend to travel outside normal working hours.

      I wish I could finish work at 1pm on a Friday like Paul, that would be great!
