• Question: what do you think will become the biggest challenge in the future for all kinds of engineers???

    Asked by beth to Chris, Paul, Priyanka, Ryan, Sarah on 7 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by callum f.
    • Photo: Christine Coonick

      Christine Coonick answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      I have two answers and I think it is probably applicable to everyone not just engineers – it was certainly in the hearts and minds of everyone who was involved in COP21 Paris Climate Conference earlier on in the year.

      I think our biggest challenge will be:
      1. To find ways in which to keep global warming to less then 2 degrees
      2. To get politicians to act on it

    • Photo: Priyanka Dhopade

      Priyanka Dhopade answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Agree with Christine – global warming and climate change will definitely dictate the solutions we will have to come up as engineers for all kinds of problems. With jet engines, it will be making them more fuel efficient or eliminating their dependence on fossil fuels altogether.
