• Question: What would you say is the future of engineering; where will engineering be in 30 years?

    Asked by Tom to Chris, Paul, Priyanka, Ryan, Sarah on 9 Mar 2016. This question was also asked by Dylan185.
    • Photo: Christine Coonick

      Christine Coonick answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Probably on the moon, creating a second planet for us all to live on.

    • Photo: Paul Duff

      Paul Duff answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      Good question Tom, but honestly I have no idea. There has been so much advancement in the past 30 years that I am struggling to think where we will be in another 30.
      I do think there will be a massive push for finding alternative energy sources and methods for energy storage in the near future.

      In 30 years we should be approaching retirement, the future of engineering is in your hands!

    • Photo: Priyanka Dhopade

      Priyanka Dhopade answered on 15 Mar 2016:

      Global warming and climate change will definitely dictate the solutions we will have to come up as engineers for all kinds of problems. With jet engines, it will be making them more fuel efficient or eliminating their dependence on fossil fuels altogether.
      As Christine mentioned, space colonization will also be a big deal in the next 30 years, when hopefully we will have developed the technology to colonize the Moon or Mars!
