• Question: do you want to work in another area of engineering or are you content with your jobs?

    Asked by daviesl3 to Amit, Emily, Joanne, Martin, Paige on 16 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by ridgc001.
    • Photo: Emily Bullen

      Emily Bullen answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I’m content where I am! I’ve been trying lots of different jobs in the last year, as I’ve been really lucky and been selected to spend 3 months in departments other than mine. I have found that I really like my own job, although there are some other things I might explore later on in my career. 🙂
      I do really like the sound of biomedical engineering though, I think I could have really enjoyed that. I knew a guy at university who was trying to grow cells on a specially made scaffold… he had to go into university every 8h for a period to feed his cells! That’s dedication to the job…

    • Photo: Amit Pujari

      Amit Pujari answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      Hi daviesl3,

      I am really happy where I am! I would very much like to continue working in ‘biomedical engineering’.

      But engineering is not one dimensional. See I am an engineer, but for my work, I need to know about anatomy, physiology, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering……..So you are not tied to one particular area, you work at the boundaries of various subject. It is exciting.

    • Photo: Paige Brown

      Paige Brown answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      Although I love my work now and I am passionate about the science of the extremely small (Nanotechnology), if I could go into another engineering field it would be environmental engineering. Environmental engineers also deal with nanomaterials and pollutants in the air, and work on solving very complex issues as big as our planet itself!

    • Photo: Joanne Davies

      Joanne Davies answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      I love manufacturing and I don’t want to move to another area daviesI3. 🙂

      We make most things for all the other areas anyway, so I can learn something about them as well along the way.

    • Photo: Martin Wallace

      Martin Wallace answered on 18 Mar 2012:

      I’ve had some experience in another area of engineering (manufacturing satellite equipment), and really enjoyed it.
      After 5 years my wife and I decided to move to Yorkshire – this meant that I needed to find a new job, and so I found this job designing medical equipment. I’ve not been in the job that long but I really REALLY enjoy it! It is so interesting and rewarding. It feels amazing to know that something I design could save someone’s life.
