Question: I've just done my crest bronze award, I'm not sure if you have done it, but it that similar to what you do (but obviously on a lot smaller scale)
I understand a bit about the Crest awards. This is where you have to complete a project on some sort of STEM subject isn’t it? From what I know you have to fulfil design briefs, conduct research, perform risk assessments, and present your findings in reports or something similar.
I would say that everything you take part in in these awards I have done at some point in every project I have been involved in, both at university and in my work today. It doesn’t matter on the size of the project – small or large – you will always need to know what you need to accomplish, find out things, perform tasks, write reports and present what you have found.
In my project we are getting ready to do a first presentation to the managers in my company to show them what designs we have come up with so far. I have had to do some research and write up my findings, and do some tests and work towards creating a design.
Congratulations on completing your bronze award, I would say that all the skills you used are some of the most important things you will need if you want to follow a career in science or engineering. Good luck on completing the silver award!
The crest award sounds like a really good introduction to project work and seems to deal with all the things we do everyday as engineers. I’m sure these skills will come in really useful in whatever career you decide to follow.
It was a pleasure chatting to you and your class earlier. It sounds to me like you’ll all do well in whatever you choose. I wish you all the best!
daviesl3 commented on :
yeah martin it basically is doing experiments etc
Martin commented on :
The crest award sounds like a really good introduction to project work and seems to deal with all the things we do everyday as engineers. I’m sure these skills will come in really useful in whatever career you decide to follow.
It was a pleasure chatting to you and your class earlier. It sounds to me like you’ll all do well in whatever you choose. I wish you all the best!
daviesl3 commented on :
Our class is just amazing 😉
Joanne commented on :
Yup! Your class is amazing 🙂
Paige commented on :
You AND your class are amazing!
daviesl3 commented on :
Haha Paige and Joanne
Joanne commented on :