More philosophical questions!
This is a question that has been asked and not answered for thousands of years so feel under-qualified to answer it, but I’ll have a go:
Through evolution, the offspring of two animals have slight differences from both parents. An egg contains the embryo of the newly formed animal. Evolution is a very gradual process, taking many thousands of years for species to evolve, but at some point in it’s history, the genetic line of the chicken looked less like another bird, and more like a chicken. This new species would have had to start with an egg, so I would say that the egg is the answer.
However you could argue that the chicken is contained within the egg anyway so maybe they both came at the same time.
There are some theories that birds actually evolved from dinosaurs, so maybe the question should be, which came first, the dinosaur or the egg.
Ahhh!!!!! GREAT question!!! The dinosaur or the egg, good answer Martin!
I’d say the chicken. 🙂
At some point, mutations in the living bird and evolutionary processes made a bird lay an egg that was a little different from the rest. In time, this comes to make the chicken, or other special types of birds!
Joanne commented on :
We should make the time machine and then we could find out for sure! 🙂