
Urvashi Danookdharree
Get ready to know engineering better :)
Curriculum Vitae
Work History:
Stock taker, Support Worker, Face-to-face interviewer
Current Job:
PhD Student; Stock Taker as a part-time job.
PLymouth University; Orridge.
My Work
I grow nanotubes on the surface of titanium alloy for bone implants.
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I analyse the different parameters involved in the process of fabrication of the nanotubes at a nano-level using high resolution microscope and other different equipment. Meanwhile, I have to go through the literature and look for loopholes in that particular field and provide bridges for further researches to continue. In this engineering bit, I just started adding anti-microbial agents to the surface of teh coating with the aim of making the implant antimicrobial. This step involves 2 different part, electrochemical and/or chemical reduction process.
Then I will have them tested in the biological department against a common cause of infection, Staph. Aureus. Then a thorough toxicological testing will be performed in order to assure the safety of the product.
If time permit the latter will be tested in-vivo.
My Typical Day: Most of the days in different labs followed by office for theoretical works and the gym at the end of the day.
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My typical day starts with a lot of energy in order to wake up followed by an unavoidable breakfast then UNi. There i always start work in the lab in order to be able to working during allowed working hours. Most of my practical i have to wait a lot. So i check my emails and do research and reports on my laptop in the lab itself. Then if time permits, I go to the office, continue most of my theoretical works including finding better ways to do my experimental works. I also take note of whatever work i do so as to keep a record of a timeline of every different ideas and steps tried. Last I hit the gym before heading home. Twice a week i attend German and Spanish class as a hobby to learn different languages.
What I'd do with the money
Organise school visits to the lab where the real work take place and have the students be part of itwhile taking part in the activities (in another safe room) as such allowing them to feel what being an engineer means!
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Organise a day out for the students to my university and make small groups of 3 students. Will make each group participate in different activities such as basic safe polishing and comparing the results (Working with surface roughness) and many more. They will have the opportunity to visit around different laboratories while being able to use some of the equipments.
All will begin with an introduction and an electronic visual presentation including video and artificial bones in a class or lab itself followed by the different activities which will be both fun and educational.
The money will pay for the travel, consumables for the activities and props, additional equipments for the day.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Cheerful, ambitious, hard-working
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Fabricated a DNA biosensor for a bacteria that is very difficult to diagnose.
What did you want to be after you left school?
A Medical Doctor
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Nope. I was the book nerd type.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Arjit singh (Bollywood singer)
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?