Outside of work I am part of the society in my department and where I help to organise social events for the other students. I also attend events hosted by the Women’s Engineering Society and the institute of chemical engineers.
I am a STEM ambassador, so I visit schools to talk to students about what I do and how what they are learning applies in the real world.
I also go to seminars and conferences to learn about what is new in my area (and sometimes I am the one giving the talk!). When I have come up with something new (like when I found a new way of using a computer model to solve a problem), I spent some of my own time working on it and then I got to go to a conference in Spain to tell people about it. And they published what I wrote about it in their book!
I like to tinker and mess around with electronics and computers. My favourite thing to mess around with is a Raspberry Pi. I write bits of code to do silly little things and quite often I turn them into workshops for my Coding Club.
I also do a little bit of ‘studio engineering’ when at home. I like to record music and mess around with the sound by applying various effects, filters etc.
I enjoy making things and tinkering so I often have one or two projects I am working on or a new skill being learnt. Currently I am practicing with fiberglass with the aim to make a surfboard in the future, and I am also practicing sewing, the methods used for working with fabrics is almost identical to those used for ultra light carbon fibre components.
Like some of the other guys here, I’m a bit of a tinkerer and at the moment I’m trying to make a tea sensor that will tell me when my cup of tea is the perfect temperature!