• Question: Is your job fun?

    Asked by Eloise1 to Will, Simon, Sheun, Kristen, Jamie on 15 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by Oliver, 952hspc36.
    • Photo: William Scott-Jackson

      William Scott-Jackson answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      It has it’s ups and downs. It’s fun when everything is working which has been the last 6 months! Then very occasionally (like for me last week) it gets frustrating when something doesn’t work.

      Overall the whole process of writing code, designing experiments and analysing the results is very exciting.

    • Photo: Sheun Oshinbolu

      Sheun Oshinbolu answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Overall yes. There are good bits and not-so-good bits but I think that what makes the whole process enjoyable

    • Photo: Simon Marchant

      Simon Marchant answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Oooooh yes! Making things is fun, it’s like being paid to play with lego all day (almost)! I still think every time I fix something or write a program to do something or work out a solution for some problem, “I am doing engineering!”. I am cool, I know.

    • Photo: Jamie Johnston

      Jamie Johnston answered on 23 Jun 2015:

      Yes, I’d say so, not necessarily all the time, but definitely interesting.
