• Question: What are peoples reactions when they can walk ?

    Asked by Rosie to Simon on 16 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Simon Marchant

      Simon Marchant answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Hi Rosie! When we help people to walk, usually they can do some kind of walking beforehand, but not very well. This is just because at the moment, we don’t have the technology to control every muscle that is used in walking (I’m sure that it will come though!). We usually help people to walk faster, for longer, and fall over less: and we try to help people to stop using crutches. But people have surprisingly different reactions to being helped to walk better – some people are happy that they can get back to normal life again (we regularly help people get back to work after a stroke), others use their device for “special occasions” to go on a long walk into town, sometimes people don’t like using it at all (it feels very strange to have a machine work your muscles without you thinking about it), but I always like the times when people are super happy to walk again! 🙂
