I’m an Events Calendar

In addition to our regular term-time activities, we may also offer special activities where we might ask you to sign up to take part.

If you are based in the Republic of Ireland, please visit our Ireland site ❯

New in 2023

Open to: post-16 students

Students can learn more about modern nuclear physics experiments by connecting with people working on research projects using CERN facilities. Students can read profiles, project update and ask direct questions.

Funded by STFC.

From 10 January 2023 to end of July 2024.

Get access ❯
I'm a Scientist, Get me out of hereI’m a Medic Healthcare Zone
Open to: UK Secondary schools

Show your students the huge variety of career paths in healthcare! Students connect with local healthcare workers and see the relevance of their STEM subjects to healthcare.

Funded by Nottinghamshire Alliance Training Hub, Lincolnshire Training Hub, LLR Training Hub, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Training Hub and Health Education Training Hub.

From 1 March to 28 April 2023
Bookings open now

Go to I’m a Medic
I'm a Scientist LogoFrontiers for Young Minds Zone
Open to: Secondary schools

Super-curricular activity. Students delve deeper into science by reading scientific articles which have been peer-reviewed by young people, and connecting with their authors.

In partnership with Frontiers for Young Minds

From 5 to 30 June 2023
Bookings open: 9 May
View articles from: Now
I'm a Scientist LogoLow Carbon Zone
Open to:
All schools

Students connect with people working on new and unexpected technology to bring us closer to net zero.

Funded by Johnson Matthey’s Science and Me program

From 5 to 30 June 2023
Bookings open:

Priority*: 2 May 2023
Non-Priority: 9 May 2023
View scientists’ profiles from: 24 April
Psychology Zone logoPsychology Zone
Open to: All schools

Students gain a deeper understanding of psychology and its applications outside of school by connecting with psychologists.

Funded by the British Psychological Society

From 5 to 30 June 2023
Bookings open:

Priority*: 2 May
Non-Priority: 9 May
View scientists’ profiles from: 5 May
Cancer Zone

Students learn more about non-communicable disease, and meet the scientists and researchers helping us detect, understand, and treat cancer.

Funded by the University of Edinburgh Institute of Genetics and Cancer; the University of Oxford Department for Oncology; the Royal Society of Chemistry; Manchester Cancer Research Centre; and University of Manchester Division of Cancer Sciences.

From 5 to 30 June 2023
Bookings open:

Priority*: 2 May
Non-Priority: 9 May
View scientists’ profiles from: 5 May
Health Zone

Celebrate the NHS’s 75th birthday! Students can explore health science and how affects them and their lives.

Funded by STEM Ambassadors

From 26 June to 21 July 2023
Bookings open:

Priority*: 5 June
Non-Priority: 12 June
View scientists’ profiles from: 6 June

Teachers: Register to take part for access to all available activities each month ❯
This includes I’m a Scientist, I’m an Engineer, as well as our other projects.

More information:

Contact us: support@iaeuk.ddev.site or 01225 326 892