My advice would be as enthusiastic as you can be and try to get into an area of engineering that really inspires you! Sometimes learning to be an engineer can be really hard work, but it’ll be worth it in the end as you’ll have a really rewarding career! Good luck!!
I love my job, which helps a lot to have motivation to get out of bed every morning. I’m also fortnate to work with nice people, so socially it’s a fun place, generally engineers are pretty nice.
My advice is, take advantage of any opportunities that come up whether placements, projects outside of school, internships, study abroad, volunteering, chances to talk to engineers. Trying to find out “what you’ll be in life” is a long search, but a fun one, with lots of twists and turns, so if you keep pushing and are excited about it i’ll make it much easier and ptu you ahead of others.
What if you don’t know what u want to be when you grow up. What if u want to be something like an artist but end up taking the path of engineering what advise would u give to keep them at their job?? Xx
kat9812 commented on :
What if you don’t know what u want to be when you grow up. What if u want to be something like an artist but end up taking the path of engineering what advise would u give to keep them at their job?? Xx