• Question: What is a Zeplin?

    Asked by izgrorl1 to Ant on 13 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by harry.
    • Photo: Anthony Hollingsworth

      Anthony Hollingsworth answered on 13 Mar 2012:

      haha ok a zepplin is a massive airship. the germans used to bomb london with them in WW1. the main guy who designed my instrument was a bit of a led zepplin fan so he decided to make a name for our experiment that had this in. So my machine is a big tub of liquid that flashes when radiation hits it, this is a “time projection chamber”, it has lots of sensors so we can tell where it hit, so its “zoned”, and the size of the flash depends on the size of the radiation so its “proportional”. So this guy decided to call the experiment “ZonEd Proportional scintillation in LIquid Noble gases” because our liquid is a type of noble gas. So from this he got the world ZEPLIN for the name, what can i say, he was a bit nuts, clever though! 🙂
