Tough question! There are a lot of cool ones, but I guess the coolest one that I really know anything about is water.
Really – just because it’s everywhere, it’s easy to assume that it’s rather dull, but it’s actually really odd stuff. For example, almost everything is denser (heavier) as a solid than as a liquid, but not water; that’s why ice-bergs float and rivers freeze from the surface downwards.
…but then Nitrogen is excellent when it’s a liquid…and Hydrogen, where the atoms are so small they actually fall through metal…and stuff that explodes is always fun…
I think I failed this question – there are too many cool chemicals!
I like the ethanol in our lab. It’s like a type of rubbing alcohol (definitely NOT something to drink as it smells foul) we use to clean tables, and lenses, etc. It evaporates right away so once you clean something, it’s dry immediately.