
Mia Richardson
Curriculum Vitae
I went to Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham, then the University of Leeds.
GCSEs, my options were French, History, PE and Business. A levels: French, Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics. Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Work History:
In a Cheese shop, on the bakery counter at Waitrose, at Leeds First Direct Arena (on the bar), summer placement at a company that built onshore windfarms, now on a graduate scheme for Schneider Electric.
Current Job:
Graduate Trainee
I work for Schneider Electric, they do lots of different things all to do with energy. They design, build and sell the equipment that helps get the electricity from the power station to your home. They also find ways to make electricity use more energy-efficient, for example with electric vehicles.
They have offices all over the world so I have the opportunity to work abroad!
About Me
I'm an engineer living in London. I love the busy city life and like to play sport in my free time.
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I graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Leeds last summer. I grew up in the North East, but in September I moved to London and started a graduate scheme at an electrical engineering firm. I’m a keen sportswoman, I play lots of netball and do a bit of climbing, running and rugby. I love to get out and about and explore London, my favourite area so far is Spitalfields Market in Shoreditch. Over lockdown I have watched all 10 seasons of Taskmaster and tried to start a herb garden.
My pronouns are she/her.
My Work
I help design energy efficient buildings. I install sensors and write programs that lets sensors talk to each other so that things in the building are turned on and off at the right time.
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As part of the graduate scheme I get to rotate around different areas of the business. But. at the minute, my job is to design ‘smart buildings’. These are buildings which use special sensors to control heating, cooling and lighting in the building so that the building wastes as little energy as possible.
I make the software that allows the sensors and controllers to talk to each other.
My Typical Day: I either go out to site to work on a project in real life, or work from home designing the system to go into the building.
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If I was working from home, I work from 8:30am until 5pm. I am usually working on 2 or 3 different buildings at once and so will divide up my day so I work equally on each one. I use software on my computer to build programs that make the equipment in a build turn on and off at the right times, so no energy is wasted. I use information about the building from the customer to design a solution that is unique to that building and that controls that building in the best possible way.
Once everything has been designed and built from home, I go to site to install everything. I would usually get to site by 8am and set-up any equipment. Then, I would to talk anyone else working on the project to learn about any problems that need fixing or changes in the work.
After that, we would test that the sensors is working and that they can talk to the computer and to each other. We repeat this until we know everything works as we designed.
What I'd do with the money
Spread awareness about the amount of different things you can do with an engineering degree and how you can use it to fix big problems in the world.
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I would run a campaign that shows how many doors are opened by an engineering degree and the skills you learn doing it can be applied to almost any job!
To do this, I want to offer virtual work experience days to schools who are unable to run work experience programs due to lack of funding and problems related to Covid-19. This will give students the opportunity to speak to current engineers and make good contacts for future jobs. It will also give them a taste of how exciting it could be to be an engineer and the type of things you could do day-to-day. Giving them the opportunity to actually do it is better than listening to me explain it- so hopefully will get lots of people interested!
There are so many big, scary problems in the world, and engineers can design and build the solutions to them! I want to use this fact to inspire more people to choose engineering.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Energy-saving engineer
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Set up new controllers at The Old Bailey in London
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My Mum was my physics teacher at school, she showed me how interesting it can be!
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
All I knew is that I wanted to save the world- whether by building wind turbines or making things more efficient, I didn't know yet!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Only for being late, I struggled to get out of bed (and still do now!)
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
Working on an offshore windfarm.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Chocolate Brownies
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I volunteered at the Rio Olympics!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1. For everyone to listen to Great Thunberg and start acting urgently about the Climate Emergency. 2. To go to Peru and se Machu Picchu. 3.For chocolate to be vegan!