That’s a really thoughtful question Marce. Realistically it does but engineering companies are working hard to reduce this by increasing flexible working patterns that allow engineers to be with their family more.
I have to travel a fair amount with work, but that is my choice as a result of the job I’ve got. I know plenty of engineers in my organisation who don’t need to travel very much.
As the others have said there is a lot of variety in the work expectations of engineers.
One reason that I chose to go in to the wind industry is that there is a lot of it going on in the UK so I can always spend weekends at home. In reality I can go several months without needing to travel and I have some choice about when I go away.
Many engineers really enjoy the experience of visiting new places and working on big projects & sometimes your employer will pay for your family to move to a new country with you so that you can do a specific job for a few years.