Keep on experimenting – trying to build something from scratch or taking it apart and putting it back together helps you understand whats important in how its made. That’s a good place to start with ideas for making it better.
If you can – ask to visit some engineering or manufacturing businesses – getting shown around and asking questions is a good way of seeing the variety in what engineers get involved in.
To try and get some experience so you can find out more about what you enjoy. You could do this by joining clubs or speaking to other engineers. You can also buy hobby kits to help you understand and build things, I do this myself and quite often build myself electronic circuits. I also practice coding on a Raspberry Pi.
I would say follow your heart and work hard in everything you do. Sometimes you might not see a reason why in the moment but later it could come in useful. All the good engineers I have met have been good all rounders so make time for sports, friends and studying. The trick is to be able to balance it all. I would also say put safety first in everything you do.