• Question: Who has been the most supportive for your job?

    Asked by Amreen123 to Andrew, Clare, Demi, Josh, Rhys, Vix on 9 Mar 2018. This question was also asked by Amreeta.
    • Photo: Demi Ademuyewo

      Demi Ademuyewo answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      My friends and colleagues have been really supportive all through the way. My manager always challenges me and encourages me to achieve a lot.

    • Photo: Victoria Herbert

      Victoria Herbert answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      Probably my boyfriend who has already moved house so I could work in a different city. My work have been supportive too and have been paying for me to do a masters degree.

    • Photo: Andrew Constantine

      Andrew Constantine answered on 9 Mar 2018:

      My wife, who has put up with me working long hours and studying for my degree. I have to do all of my studying outside of work, which means I have less time to spend with my family
