Promotional Materials

We’ve put together some useful materials and information about I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here.

You are welcome to use these materials to promote the activity on social media, emails, newsletters, pamphlets, town criers, anything you like really!

If what you need isn’t here, please contact us on or 01225 326 892.

Connect with us: @IAEGMOOH on Twitter – @imascientistgmooh on Facebook.

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Promotional copy

For Engineers — Long version

I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here is an online text-based STEM engagement activity for school students. Students can Ask engineers questions, Chat with them through live Chats, and Vote for their favourite engineer to win £500 to put towards further outreach.

By taking part, you can:

  • Help school students learn more about STEM, and who it’s for.
  • Improve your communication skills.
  • Gain experience of public engagement in an easy and enjoyable way.

It all happens online. It’s flexible; take part from the office or home, at times that suit you.

Find out more and sign up to take part at /engineers

For Engineers — Short version

Take part in I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here to engage school students with your work and improve your communication skills.
Take part in this easy and flexible outreach activity at times that suit you!
Find out more and sign up at /engineers

For Teachers — Long version

Engage your classes with STEM through I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here.

Connect your students with working engineers from a diverse range of backgrounds and specialisms.

By taking part students can:

  • Ask working engineers their questions.
  • Connect with them through live text-based Chats
  • Vote for their favourite chemist to win £500!

There are loads of benefits to taking part. Students can:

  • Gain confidence by asking questions.
  • Learn more about STEM outside of the classroom.
  • Meet working engineers and discover career paths they may have never considered.
  • See STEM as something that’s ‘for them’.

    Find out more and get your students involved at /teachers

For Teachers — Short version

Teachers – connect your students with working engineers!
Help them see STEM at work outside the classroom with I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here.
Find out more and sign your classes up at /teachers



These photos are on a Creative Commons attribution license. You are free to use them for whatever you want, but please credit I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here (or the shorter version I’m an Engineer).


Introductory video