• Question: Can You Solve Problems with Your Hands as Well as Your Head?

    Asked by Kookie to Abbie, Melanie, Paul, Stu, Tom on 9 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Yes, though I don’t very often in my day job. I love being creative outside of work though so I do a lot of creative hobbies. I’ve just bought a house as well and it is a bit dilapidated so I’m doing a lot of DIY! I also enjoy knitting (I knitted a mars rover mascot for my project team) , baking (I made a huge 3D gingerbread mars rover for the team to eat at Christmas), sewing (I’m short, so I’m always having to modify my clothes to fit), woodwork, cartooning, origami, and loads of other things like that. I’m always finding new creative hobbies and making things.

    • Photo: Stuart Inglis

      Stuart Inglis answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Absolutely Kookie! The beauty of my job is that I do get to help out at the workshop and on site as well as do the office work. I also get plenty of hands on, greasy time servicing my car, motorbike and mountain bike as well as the never ending “to-do” list in the flat…so you’ll always find a few cuts and bruises on my hands!

      It’s one of these things, as an engineer you just look at something and almost immediately have an idea about how it works and feel the need to take it apart and put it back together! It’s called “the knack” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmYDgncMhXw

    • Photo: Paul Webb

      Paul Webb answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      Yes I do both I can weld, use Miller, lathe grinders, mechanical jobs, plumbers jobs and electrical jobs lol

      Jack of all trades

    • Photo: Melanie Zimmer

      Melanie Zimmer answered on 17 Mar 2016:

      As my work and writing code are not really tangible, my head is more important than my hands (it is really interesting what tools there are for people who cannot use their hands to e.g. write code!). I would love to do more hands-on work throughout the day, but similar to Abbie I try to keep the balance by baking, knitting, and drawing in my spare time. 🙂
