• Question: Do you think STEM should include the arts?

    Asked by jellyfish to Abbie, Melanie, Paul, Stu, Tom on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Stuart Inglis

      Stuart Inglis answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I must admit I’ve never thought of the STEM subjects as an art. Although creativity is encouraged in the STEM workplace, more emphasis is put on the logical thinking and problem solving skills therefore I would see it in a different category to the arts.

    • Photo: Paul Webb

      Paul Webb answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      I agree with stu

      Stem is more techincal practical and logical approach

      When I think arts I think painting and drama and would be better in its own focused group

    • Photo: Melanie Zimmer

      Melanie Zimmer answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      I agree with what has been said so far – I would not see arts to be included into STEM. In both areas you are creative, but in STEM it is more a logical creativity rather than a graphical skill (although the latter definitely helps if you have to diagrams in meetings 😉 ).

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      A lot of engineers think it should be STEAM, as engineering can be very creative. Being able to come up with ideas and images in your head, and then be able to draw and sketch and use other mediums to translate them to something that other people can see and understand and interpret, is all a part of art, and a part of being an engineer. I can definitely see the argument. However some of the other STEM careers, pure mathematics, some scientific fields, are a lot more technical and a lot less creative – so they would not necessarily agree. So maybe I would say art is a part of engineering and technology but not necessarily a part of all STEM?
