The biggest achievement ever, or personally? Or in general?
The space race and putting a man on the moon was an incredible achievement given the levels of technology they were working with back in the ’60s. Personally, my biggest achievement was probably becoming a chartered engineer, and in general, I think the biggest achievement is making yourself proud. I don’t know about you, but I’m my own biggest critic so if I can do something and feel completely proud of it, and have no regrets or bits I wanted to do better, then I’m pretty happy! It doesn’t happen very often as you can pretty much always do better and give more- I’m too much of a perfectionist!
Best invention ever – maybe the internet? It’s just completely revolutionized the world and how people can learn, and do business, and communicate, and what we do in our leisure time. A great engineering project! (Yes, the internet was made by engineers)
I have to agree with Abbie on this one, I think the space race was a massive achievement, landing on the moon in a vehicle with less computing power than your mobile phone and not entirely sure it would work was very VERY gutsy!
Another one would be the channel tunnel, a good example of how engineering connects people and they way they drilled from both sides of the channel and managed to meet in the middle with the slightest of differences. Amazing!
As for the best invention, I’d go for all the prosthetics and advances in medical technology that allow disabled people to walk, see, hear, etc again. The impact these inventions have on these people lives and the lives of their families is staggering and very humbling.
I think it is the internet! So many things (including this event here!) would not be possible without it. Could you imagine a world without Whatsapp and Facebook? I couldn’t anymore!