• Question: What exactly is your idea and what benefits could it have to people ?

    Asked by Mia to Abbie, Melanie, Paul, Stu, Tom on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Stuart Inglis

      Stuart Inglis answered on 10 Mar 2016:

      Hi Mia,

      My plan is to make a bunch of robotics kits which would be used by pupils in the classroom to build either an underwater or a flying robot. Once they were built we’d have some challenges set out for them to accomplish, maybe an obstacle course or something like that that the robots would have to be piloted around.

      The hope is by bringing something “cool” from the engineering world into the classroom it will engage with young people and inspire them to pursue engineering as a career. Even if not they’ll have hopefully had fun, and been able to practice their teamworking, co-ordination and problem solving skills in a practical way.

      Check out our profiles under “What I’d do the with Money” for more information and pictures…after all, a picture tells a thousand words!

    • Photo: Paul Webb

      Paul Webb answered on 11 Mar 2016:

      That sounds like fun Stuart if you need a hand 😉

      My idea for the winnings could bring engineering solutions to people that don’t have running water or electricity we need to help the less fortunate to feed them selfs rather than giving them handouts

      Give them a fish and they can feel for a day

      Give them a net and a rod and they can feed for a lifetime

    • Photo: Abbie Hutty

      Abbie Hutty answered on 13 Mar 2016:

      My idea is just about getting new students to consider going into engineering. We have so many problems facing us as a society and planet that engineers will be the ones to fix, but we don’t have enough engineers!

      I think it’s all about showing students what exciting things we are doing, so that they understand what the options are and what they might be able to achieve. Engineers will get water and power and internet to the developing world, and help them feed, educate and house their growing populations. Engineers will solve our energy crisis and stop us from burning fossil fuels and causing global warming. And engineers will allow our growing and aging populations to carry on living the lifestyles we want and expect, even when there are millions more people living on the earth and all wanting to life to the highest standards of lifestyle. And then, engineers will be the ones that take mankind to other planets and help us to live there…

      You can read about my idea here under “What I’d do with the money”:


      It’s only a little idea, but even if I just inspire one or two more people to become engineers, the impact of their careers can help so many more people that it’s definitely worthwhile!

    • Photo: Melanie Zimmer

      Melanie Zimmer answered on 18 Mar 2016:

      I would like to invite students to meet my coworkers and me here in London so that they can see what kind of work we do and do some hands-on projects (using e.g. Lego and some software we use here) themselves. After that, we would visit a car manufacturing company to see robots in action! I would hope to build a mentoring relationship between the students and my company to support and encourage the students in any way we can.

      Additionally, I would like to buy a tablet and support a friend of mine from Germany working in Kenya. As their internet connection is not always the best, I would like to prepare lecture material they can use to learn more programming and directly test it on the tablet.
