That is a great question.. I should probably check. Its deducted automatically from my pay each month, so I don’t really ever look at it. I was lucky though to go to university when fees were “only” £3K a year and I studied for 4 years – so it is at least £12K. I was also lucky that my PhD was funded by a research council, so I didn’t have to pay for the 4 years I spent completing that.
I recently paid off my last student loan. My undergraduate course cost roughly £2,000 per year, my masters was £9,000 and luckily I got a funded PhD, so I don’t have any additional fees. After finishing my bachelors, I worked for two years before starting my masters. In those two years, I was able to save a lot of money and decided to pay off my loans.
err…. none. When I went to Uni we got a grant which we did not have to pay back and our parents were expected to give us the rest. Not all parents coughed up, so the girl who later became my wife had to work part-time to raise the money to replace her parents missing contribution. Today I guess most or all students need to take a student loan and work as well. That is what my children did. The only good news is that they don’t have to pay it back until they have a decent job and then it happens automatically, like an extra income tax, so its not that much of a burden. I feel very grateful for my student grant, but in the other hand in the 1970 ‘sonly about 10% of people went to Uni, so it was very competitive to get in.
John commented on :
err…. none. When I went to Uni we got a grant which we did not have to pay back and our parents were expected to give us the rest. Not all parents coughed up, so the girl who later became my wife had to work part-time to raise the money to replace her parents missing contribution. Today I guess most or all students need to take a student loan and work as well. That is what my children did. The only good news is that they don’t have to pay it back until they have a decent job and then it happens automatically, like an extra income tax, so its not that much of a burden. I feel very grateful for my student grant, but in the other hand in the 1970 ‘sonly about 10% of people went to Uni, so it was very competitive to get in.