• Question: do you help hostpitels

    Asked by Awesomedude499 to Camilla, Dan, Katie, Mike, Rhys on 19 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Camilla Weiss

      Camilla Weiss answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      Hey Awesome! Our satellites aren’t designed specifically to help hospitals but there are lots of ways that they can be used to help them. For example using satellites to help hospitals communicate with each other. Hospitals often send out mobile units to do health checks on people who live far away – it can often take along time to get results if they have to keep going back to the hospital so they can use satellites to send their results straight to the hospital. Satellites also provide SatNav to drivers of ambulances to help them get to where they need to be.

    • Photo: Katie Sparks

      Katie Sparks answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      Like what Camilla said, the data from our satellites are probably used by hospitals – we make telescommunication satellites – which would allow hospitals to send each other information over the internet and to make phone calls.
      We also make really good cameras – they’re mainly used by the military, but they have been used if there is a hurrican or a massive flood – from the pictures emergency services can tell which areas are going to need most help and also which roads are still open and safe to use.
