Being an engineer is really interesting, part of what I find interesting about it is that there is lots to think about!
That said, sometimes there is so much to think about that it gets overwhelming. I tend to then make a cup of tea (makes most things better) and get out piece of paper and a pencil and make of list of everything that needs doing. This usually helps me work out what order I want to do things in.
Also I work as part of a team, so I just ask! Between he different people we work together to work out what is the best thing to do.
Engineering isn’t easy, but it really is interesting.
It can be hard. Sometimes the work is quite technically difficult. Usually you can work through problems with help from your colleagues and a few biscuits (very important engineering tool). Sometimes there is no technical solution and that can be very hard because it means you have to start again and try something new, but at least you’ve learnt something. It can also be quite tiring – you have to work long hours sometimes if you’re on a tight schedule or if things go wrong. Biscuits also apply in these situations too.