I think maths and physics are the main subjects. Maths is really crucial because the skills you learn through maths is how to talk about situation in numbers – and thats important because if we can explain one sitatuion through the use of algebra, that means we can easily manipulate that formula to predict how something would work if we changed just one thing in the situation. Physics is important because some the basic rules we learn about mechanics, is built on all throughout university and in work. I think in general sciences are important though, not really about the content you are learning, but more becoming able to analyse, be critical, value the difference between facts and opinion, justifying your predictions – all those skills are very important in engineering.
Same as Rhys. In my job physics is very useful because you learn about orbital mechanics – the way things move in space – which is important for building satellites, and you also learn things about radiation and temperature and electronics. Maths is very important to for making sure your calculations are correct, and also for teaching you how to solve problems.