Funded by Wellcome and UKRI
Questions Answered by Rhys
is space expanding? and if it is how long until its stops?
by Izzyxx to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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Do you like Mc Daunalds
by Josh and Eden to Rhys, Katie, Camilla
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How many labs have you bin to
by Cam lol to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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if you could be something to do with science/math other then an engineer, what would you be?
by Izzyxx to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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How long does it take to build a space craft
by Space sukhman and 1 other. to Camilla, Rhys
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How old were you when you wanted to be an engineer
by Super scotty to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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Do you like peaches
by Grand Prix Lydia to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
Comments: (So far, one comment )
have you ever done an explosive experiment
if so what is it?
by Tess to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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What was your favourite project
by 861spcc25 and 2 others. to Dan, Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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How come a heavy airplane can fly high up in the sky?
by Maya and 1 other. to Camilla, Katie, Mike, Rhys
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