My Work: I lead astronaut health & lunar exploration projects at Mission Control. I previously worked on operations for the European Robotic Arm, the new...
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Latest Question:are you planning to go to space
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My Work: I help to build and test instruments for two ESA missions to Jupiter and the Sun.
Latest Question:if you could live anywhere in the solar system where would you live?
Latest Comment:If aliens do find the disk on voyager, could they learn and attack us? (1 comments)
My Work: I am the European Space Agency Business Applications Ambassador for Scotland & Northern Ireland - I help people understand how they might use...
Latest Question:Out of the subjects you’ve studied, which has been the most beneficial to your job, and for what reason?
Latest Comment:are you planning to go to space (1 comments)
My Work: Spacecraft Operations Engineer
Latest Question:Would you reccomend university for the experience even if it was to do something other than engineering
My Work: I use satellites that fly 20,000 km around the Earth to guide driverless tractors in farms, or ships in the ocean, all around the world!
Latest Question:What is your favourite sport and the physics behind it if there is any?
Latest Comment:do you enjoy your job (1 comments)
My Work: Head of Launch Systems
Latest Question:What subjects did you take at gcse?
Latest Comment:what job do you do like designing or construction? (1 comments)