My Work: Building satellite payloads to help with the recovery from natural disasters.
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Latest Question:why don’t girls have beards
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My Work: I study the ocean using pictures taken by satellites
Status: Week one done, that was brilliant!
Latest Question:How large is the universe??????
Latest Comment:think about from the time you started being an engineer to now. How much would you rate your journey? (1 comments)
My Work: imagining the unthinkable and engineer the impossible and that’s just a Monday :-)
Latest Question:will we be able to grow plants on mars?
My Work: Design satellites and make sure they will work in space.
Latest Question:How hot is the sun
Latest Comment:How long have you done this job? (1 comments)
My Work: I am a rocket scientist who works in the satellite and nuclear sectors. I help companies and countries develop innovative solutions to help us all...
Latest Question:What do you do in the nuclear sector?
Latest Comment:How long have you been doing your job for (1 comments)
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