• Question: What is your favourite dwarf planet?

    Asked by 475sptm42 to Ollie on 2 Mar 2018.
    • Photo: Alexander Burke

      Alexander Burke answered on 2 Mar 2018:

      Pluto obviously! It was downgraded to a dwarf planet only a few years ago.
      A planet is a round object such that it orbits the sun and “dominates” the area around it. When I mean “dominate”, I mean that it has a large gravitational force (essentially gravity) between itself and other objects around it. The earth is clearly a planet because it is round, orbits the sun and dominates the area around it (it has a moon and loads of stuff orbits the earth).
      Pluto is no longer considered a planet. Although it is round and orbits the sun, it doesn’t have a huge gravitational attraction to nearby objects. It does have a moon but this moon is half the size of Pluto. As a result, Pluto doesn’t significantly affect it’s surrounding area so it is no longer a planet. It’s a shame though, I liked having 9 planets in the solar system. Now we only have 8.
      🙁 sad times.
